Medicine is an important sector that helps us stay healthy and lead better lives. Through the years, we have seen a number of medical innovations that have changed the course of history and which have improved our lives more than we would expect. Without these innovations, many of us would not be able to do the things that we normally do, with diseases and disorders hindering our daily lives.

Here are nine of the top medical innovations in the last 100 years that have brought big change to the medical industry, and to our lives.

1. Penicillin (1928)

Alexander Flemming’s name will forever be noted in history for the contribution that he made to medical advancement. He brought forward one of the first forms of antibiotics, which was a revolutionary way to treat common forms of bacterial infections and diseases. While the implementation of Penicillin may have happened only twenty years after Flemming’s first discovery, it is surely something that has served as a brilliant solution for almost a hundred years.

2. Stem Cell Treatment (1970)

Stem Cell Therapy is a medical innovation that was recognized after a group of researchers decided to research the potential of stem cells within the body. The characteristics of these stem cells were remarkable, and something that could aid the body in fighting off a number of diseases and disorders. In the past, stem cell therapy was only used to treat patients who had been diagnosed with leukemia and blood-related disorders but is now being implemented on a much larger scale.

3. Organ Transplants (1954)

Dr. Joseph Murray and Dr. David Hume were two of the first surgeons to carry out a successful kidney transplant on a patient. This was the first successful transfer that was conducted and was something that changed the course of medical innovations for the better. This opened up new doors and new potential for patients who needed new organs as a result of some of their diseases or disorders.

4. Antiviral Medications (1960)

Even though antibacterial medications were becoming prominent in the 1940s, the development of Antiviral Medications didn’t take place right up till the early 1960s. However, the moment this innovation was brought to light, the field of medicine was improved. Doctors were now able to prescribe a good course of treatment for those who had been diagnosed with viral diseases and provided them with an easier and more effective course of treatment.

5. Immunotherapy (1970)

Disorders related to the immune system are always harder to treat, especially in those where the cause is not as apparent. 1970 was a big year for the medical industry because it saw the emergence of immunotherapy, which was specifically designed for those who were diagnosed with a range of immunity-related disorders.

6. Artificial Intelligence (2000)

One of the biggest improvements to the medical industry in the 2000s would have to be the emergence of artificial intelligence and robotics. Robotics allowed the medical field to explore new avenues that were previously only done by trained doctors, and artificial intelligence has enabled the medical sector to automate some of the basic processes that need to be done.

7. Birth Control Pills (1960)

Contraceptive measures were fairly limited before the 1960s, and the introduction of Birth control pills gave women all over a safe and viable course of action that they could implement. The birth control pill, however, was not readily accepted into society and experienced a number of hindrances with regards to its application and availability before it was more widely accepted.

8. Radiological Imaging (1970)

Radiological Imaging has opened up new possibilities for the medical field and has become an important part of diagnostics that doctors tend to turn to when trying to find out the disorder or disease that the patient has. The first CT scan was put into use in the 1970s and since then has experienced a number of upgrades to become the machine that we use today.

9. Laser Surgeries (1987)

Laser Surgery is something that has improved the manner in which surgeries are conducted, especially when it comes to minimally invasive surgeries that would otherwise leave a big unwanted scar. Many minor surgeries are now conducted using lasers, and sometimes incorporate robotics and artificial intelligence to streamline the processes and make the operation significantly less invasive.