You would like to get increased value from the data you collect. So, you have taken the time to interview your list of vendors and have been through the concepts. At this point, you now have a product that you feel is right for your company.

The next step is your make it or break it stage; the BI implementation. It is during this stage that the business intelligent potential is actualized. In case the execution fails, the investment that you have worked this hard for might become part of the 70 percent of Business Intelligence plans that fail. Read on for tips to make this experience rewarding rather than painful.

1. Determine what you require

During your BI implementation, you should determine what you define as successful for your business. Even before settling for the key performance initiatives, you should have an idea of what you would like for your organization. Starting early will enable you to create a list of the shared expectations for the product and streamline the implementation process. Make sure you define the expectations and a few deliverables too. You should also identify the specific factors that you should work on to enhance your business.

2. Make sure everyone is on board

Apart from ensuring that the key performance initiatives are on track, having everyone on board with the plans will reduce the possibility of failure. You also want to be sure that every team player advocates for the BI implementation. If you are not the leader, ensure that he or she is happy with the arrangement. Also, getting a java database connection at this point will ease the process.

3. Make it simple

Irrespective of how brilliant your idea is, it will not get positive reception if you do not simplify the concepts. You might design a well thought-out design, but if it is too complicated to the extent that the client does not understand what is going on, they will ignore the product. Thankfully, you can use one of the many available ways to simplify your BI implementation process.

The first step is to make a program that is easy to use. The second is to prioritize the ease of use of the priority feature.

4. Focus on the quick wins

Your business intelligence implementation should not handle the whole company for starters. Instead, start with rolling out the plan from the departmental level and then proceed to include some more quick wins. Those wins will be enhanced to convince other employees to use the software. Just like the old cliché goes, nothing succeeds more than success, especially when you want to move your business from the old ways to the new ones.

5. Ensure that the data is clean

If you import unclear data into the program, you will not get the results you want, and that will be a disappointment. Instead of focusing on the implementation, the system will work on cleaning the data first. Having a java database connection might help. Luckily enough, you do not require a background in coding to clean data.

Although the term sounds technical, clean data refers to when information is entered in the BI in a way that it cannot understand. For instance, some users input text in the date field rather than typing the actual date. If you write “Next Friday” instead of the numerical time, the BI implementation software will ignore it. Other kinds of dirty data are data entry errors, such as failing to put a period in a dollar amount and inconsistencies in the data.

6. Implementation is not a one-off event

Software implementation can be likened to the festive season. It is such an exciting period, but it requires lots of effort to make it eventful. It is also a prolonged period and not a one-day thing. The same applies to BI implementation. Ultimately, business intelligence is not like a set of products or tools you buy. It is more like a mindset that you should have to improve continuously.

There is no doubt that business intelligence is taking over business data space. You ought to value it because it is critical to the success of an enterprise. The tips above will ease the implementation process.