You’re now ready to optimize your conversation rate. Congrats! This action goes a long way in making sure you improve the online presence of your business. Now the next step entails choosing the right method to leverage. You probably know about the three main options available at your disposal.

To get things done, you can decide to hire a CRO agency, perform CRO without A/B testing or purchase your own A/B testing tool. Although all three options are effective ways to optimize your website, learning to use an A/B testing tool will serve you perfectly. After all, it allows your marketing team to make informed decisions easily.

But before you invest in any navigation analysis tool, you need to be sure it is the right choice. Here are two must-ask questions when choosing the best A/B testing software to leverage.

What is The Skill Level of My Team?

First up, you need to factor in the skill level of your current team. Do they have front-end development skills? What about programming knowledge of writing complex tests? Very few businesses have these resources, let alone every marketing team.

If you happen to be in this category, you need to choose a tool that allows you to edit your pages without coding. Fortunately, many page editing tools feature a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) page editing tool. Any member of your marketing team can use this tool to edit and test web pages.

What Level of Support is Available?

When running tests on mobile apps, some business owners tend to think that purchasing A/B testing tool is a gamble. For them, it may fail to produce the expected results while giving their team a difficult time. In this scenario, it would be better to understand the level of support offered.

Although a chosen A/B testing tool adjusts the allocation of your site traffic, what will you do if it breaks down? With a little research, you will realize that the level of support provided varies. That’s why you should factor in the style of customer support your team needs. It is then that they can allow for automated UX personalization.

By finding answers to the above and other burning questions, you will definitely find the best tool to leverage.  Be sure to learn more about buying an A/B testing tool before making the necessary payments.